Heel problem are very painful and common. They are outcome of stress on your heel bone and then on tissues surrounding it.
Deases lead by heel stress :
Treatments :
Condition of heel problems are
Haglund Deformity also known as “Mulholland deformity”, “posterior calcaneal tuberosity”, “pump bump” or “retrocalcaneal bursitis”. It can be classified as painful enlargement of the back of the heel bone that most often leads to painful bursitis. The soft tissue near heel bone becomes irritated by shoes, rigid heel, counters of shoes rubbing up and down.
Haglund’s deformity is often called “pump bump” because the rigid backs of pump-style shoes can create pressure that aggravates the enlargement when walking.
Because of irritation women tend to develop the condition more than men.
Symptoms :
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Treatment :
Plantar calluses are another name for heel callus. It is formed when one metatarsal bone is lower or longer than the others because of which it hits ground with more force than equipped to handle at each step. It result in thickens of skin under the bone like a hard rock in your foot wear.
Symptoms :
Treatment :
This treatment involves lifting the bone and aligning it with other bones which required cutting metatarsal bone to be cut in V shape.
Heel fissures are painful conditions that result in bleeding. It can be defined as cracking of the skin of the heels.
Causes :
Treatment :
Plantar fasciitis is common heel pain. It occurs due to inflammation on the bottom of the foot.
Over team of Foot Pain Management will evaluate arch pain and prescribe orthoses to help alleviate the pain.
Causes :
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